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  • What are the ratios for kids to Coach?
    Our core value is to provide an encouraging, safe, FUN environment for each and every kiddo in our programs, thus we prioritize Coach to kid ratio. Better ratios are believed to improve child outcomes by increasing opportunities for individual and small group interactions and educational instruction from Coaches. Preschool Programs: 1:10 Elementary School Programs: 1:20 Summer Camps: 3-5yo = 1:10 6-11yo = 1:12
  • How much water does my kid need to bring?
    We recommend a large water bottle or two smaller water bottles labeled with kids' names. Our team will supply water jug refill stations throughout camp.
  • Do we offer before and/or after care?
    We do not provide before and/or after care. Drop off window is between 8:15-8:45am.
  • What should my child wear to camp?
    Please dress your kiddo in comfortable clothing including, always wearing their Blue HERO Camp T-Shirts! Comfortable sneakers, *Please no sandals, slip on shoes or cleats. A sun hat or cap is highly recommended as well as a packed rain jacket or extra layer.
  • Can my kid bring toys or games of their own to camp?
    Personal toys and games are not recommended but we do encourage kids to bring their favorite book to read during downtime.
  • Can someone other than me pick up my kid?
    Yes. Please notify our team via email if you have not recorded all identified guardians/pick up persons at registration. Email: . We will not release a kid to a person that is not an approved pick up person.
  • HERO Team T-Shirts & Hats:
    Each registered camper will receive one HERO T-shirt at no cost! Campers who are registered for multiples weeks will receive two HERO T-Shirts at no cost! *Additional HERO T-shirts are available for purchase. HERO Hats: Kid & Adult size hats are available for purchase.
  • What is HERO's plan for low temperatures?
    If the temperature is 20 degrees or less (wind chill factor is taken into consideration), we will call for an inside morning. In Colorado our weather is unpredictable so dress your child(ren) accordingly or in layers.
  • What type of equipment will my child need to participate?
    HERO Kids Sports provides all of the equipment needed at each of our sessions.
  • Does HERO celebrate my kid's successes?
    Yes! We sure do! We hold a very special awards ceremony for every HERO once a session is completed. Every kid graduates from a session as a HERO and goes home with a certificate of achievement that they can show off wherever they please.
  • Does HERO require Background Checks on employees?
    HERO Kids Sports employees undergo thorough screening and background checks. We prioritize the safety and well-being of the children in our care, and ensuring that our staff members meet stringent background check requirements is an essential part of our commitment to providing a secure environment.
  • Pack List for Full-day Campers
    A water bottle. We will have water onsite for refills. An easy, accessible morning snack and lunch. Food will not be shared between kids. *Please specify during the registration process if your child has a known food allergy & all necessary information regarding allergy. Please also notify your coach ahead at camp check in. A jacket and warm layers. A change of clothes if necessary. Your child's favorite book. Sunscreen, beach towel and hat.
  • What should I do if I'm running late to camp
    Please email us as soon as possible to notify our team that you are on your way! Email:
  • Are snacks or lunch provided?
    Full day campers: Parents, please pack (2) snacks and a lunch for each camp day. Half day campers: Parents, please pack (1) snack for each camp day. Fridays: HERO provides popsicles!
  • Pack List for Half-day Campers
    A water bottle. We will have water onsite for refills. An easy, accessible morning snack. Food will not be shared between kids. *Please specify during the registration process if your child has a known food allergy & all necessary information regarding allergy. Please also notify your coach ahead at camp check in. A jacket and warm layers. A change of clothes if necessary. Sunscreen, beach towel and hat.
  • Can I pick my kid up before the end of the day
    We hope for your kiddo to get the most out of camp, thus ideally we hope campers will be present for the full day of camp. In the instance that you may need to pick your child up early, please notify our team as soon as you possible Email:
  • What is HERO’s plan for high temperatures?
    Our team has thoughtfully planned camps at our park locations with shade from both trees and athletic tents to keep kids cool. We carefully curate the location of activities throughout the day for adequate shade. Our team is well versed in planning for summer temperatures and will plan to take extra shade breaks with activities including arts & crafts, games, brain games and more! HERO will have sufficient water jugs and sunscreen on site, along with spray bottles and neck towels.
  • Does my kid need a bathing suit on water day
    Water Games are on Friday afternoon! A towel and change of clothes if preferred. *If your child prefers to wear their swimsuit, it must be worn to camp under your child's clothes. Sneakers in the morning and water shoes if preferred in the afternoon.
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